Raichu - 27 - Promotional - "Prerelease" Stamp Prerelease Promo Out Of Stock $0.00 Add to Wishlist Extra Info Set: Arceus Card Number: 27 Rarity: Promotional Retreat Cost: 1 HP: 90 Stage: Stage 1 Card Type: Lightning Name: Raichu Finish: Regular Attack #1: 1 Boosted Voltage (20) If Raichu has a Pokn Tool attached to it, this attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokn that isn't an Evolved Pokn. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokn.) Attack #2: 4 Thunder Blast (70) Discard a Energy card attached to Raichu. Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company ×